Thank you to everyone who generously donated during the
Nov/Dec giving season. We appreciate you!
Providing Sustainable & Equitable
Food Security since 1988
Welcome to St. Johns Food Share!
Our Mission:
Powered entirely by volunteers, we distribute food through an open-door, no-barrier approach, providing a welcoming pantry shopping experience for individuals to choose what works best for them and their families, free from judgement or proof of need. By bridging the food gap, we create more joy, ease and security in our community.
Donation Plans
Dinner Donor
Monthly or One time only
Feast Funder
Monthly or
One time only
for our truck
One month of gas
This helps us to pick up food and donations.
Harvest Hero
Monthly or
One time only
rent or truck insurance
One month of facility
This helps our operations to keep going. MAKE A DONATION
Find Us
St. Johns Food Share
8100 N. Lombard Street
Portland, OR 97203
(503) 286-0750
Monday: 10am – 4pm
Wednesday: 10am – 12pm
Friday: 10am – 4pm